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Construction Industry Institute (CII) in conjunction with the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) has agreed to host the ICC Analytics database as well as provide additional administrative resources and introductions to key companies from current membership and academia from the University of Texas to assist in analytics and delivery from the data in a joint business model with ICC Safety Solutions.
The ICC partnership with CII will significantly enhance the ICC customer experience. The ICC/CII strategic business alignment includes subscriber access to the world’s largest data warehousing resources for customer service efficiency and security in crane accident data administration.
Provided on a subscription basis for the crane and construction industry, this unique data sharing platform will accelerate safety improvement through progressive learning of what did happen to cause accidents as opposed to traditional safety methods based on what could happen.
The proprietary ICC Analytics service includes vigorous data security combined with strict customer privacy through the ICC/CII data sanitation process to ensure customer anonymity and protect subscriber interests. The expressed intent of this innovative accident data subscription model is for customers to have actionable intelligence at their fingertips to prevent recurring accidents and save lives through ICC Predictive Analytics.